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68% of Large U.S. Companies Now Have Dedicated Sustainability Reporting Budgets : EcoOnline Survey

Over two thirds of large companies in the U.S. have put in place dedicated budgets for sustainability reporting, and nearly all plan to increase spending on sustainability and compliance reporting, and would advance their sustainability efforts even in the absence of climate and sustainability regulations, viewing sustainability as a company value driver, according to a new survey by ESG and EHS solutions provider EcoOnline. For the study, EcoOnline surveyed 95 C-suite executives, Vice Presidents and Directors at U.S. companies with revenues greater than $500 million annually. The survey had a particular focus on companies’ preparedness for new California laws SB 253 and SB 261, which require large companies doing business in the state to report on Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and on climate-related financial risks.

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