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Canada Presents Sustainable Jobs Bill for Green Transition

June 15, 2023

The Royal Bank of Canada estimates that building a net-zero economy could create up to 400,000 new jobs in Canada by the end of this decade alone.

As of last fall, Canadian employers were trying to fill more than one million job vacancies. A significant number of those vacancies (243,400) were in the professional, scientific, technical, construction and manufacturing sectors, which were already facing labour shortages before the pandemic.

It is anticipated that an aging population and declining workforce participation will add to labour shortages over the long term. It is estimated that some 600,000 workers may retire over the next three years.

In February 2023, the government released the Sustainable Jobs Plan, announcing 10 key actions to further objectives on sustainable jobs, including the Regional Energy and Resource Tables.

NRCan held consultations on the Sustainable Jobs Plan and legislation starting in August 2021. A total of 17 engagement sessions were held with nearly 190 participants, and more than 30,000 emails and 75 detailed submissions from Canadian organizations were received. Feedback was also gathered from engaging with every province and territory.

Canada is extremely well positioned to take advantage of the economic opportunities presented by the global race to net zero. It’s up to us as a country to make the smartest possible choices to ensure prosperity for Canadians and a healthy planet for future generations.

For seven years, the Government of Canada has been working on strategies, investing and improving regulations to help Canada become the clean energy and technology supplier of choice in a net-zero world. This plan features partnership with provinces and territories, including via the Regional Energy and Resource Tables. It also includes the February 2023 release of the Interim Sustainable Jobs Plan, which spoke to the work to be done to seize the economic opportunities that will be enabled through a move to a low-carbon future.

On 15th,June’23, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources, advanced one of the 10 key action areas outlined in the plan by introducing a bill entitled “An Act respecting accountability, transparency and engagement to support the creation of sustainable jobs for workers and economic growth in a net-zero economy” (Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act).

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