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Air Quality

China Unveils Action Plan for Enhanced Air Quality by 2025

December 8, 2023 China’s State Council has released an action plan aimed at improving air quality and promoting high-quality economic development. The plan outlines measures to achieve cleaner air by 2025, including green industrial shifts, a cleaner energy mix, and a low-carbon transport system. The plan’s objectives include reducing PM2.5 density in cities at the prefecture level…

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Methane Emissions

Canada Introduces Economic Incentive to Cut Methane Emissions from Beef Cattle

December 10, 2023 On Food and Agriculture Day at COP28, Environment and Climate Change Canada announced a new draft protocol under Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Offset Credit System. The protocol, known as Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions from Beef Cattle (REME), aims to incentivize farmers to reduce enteric methane emissions from their beef cattle operations. Enteric methane emissions are…

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Sustainability Disclosures

EU Regulators Propose Enhanced Sustainability Disclosures for Financial Products

December 4, 2023 The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) have published their Final Report amending the draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS), proposing new mandatory reporting on social factors and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets for financial products under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). The SFDR is part of the EU’s Action Plan on financing sustainable…

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Renewable Energy Expansion

energyRe Secures $1.2B for Renewable Energy Expansion in the U.S.

December 4, 2023 energyRe, an independent clean energy developer based in the U.S., has successfully raised a $1.2 billion capital package. This funding will support the expansion of its large-scale renewable energy portfolio, which includes utility-scale transmission and storage, onshore wind and solar generation, and offshore wind. The capital investments come from Glentra Capital, Novo Holdings,…

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Sustainable Finance Taxonomy

Singapore Introduces Unique Sustainable Finance Taxonomy

December 3, 2023 The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has launched the Singapore-Asia Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance. This new system aims to define green and transition economic activities that contribute to environmental and climate-related objectives, helping to identify and allocate capital to sustainable projects and initiatives. The taxonomy covers eight sectors, which account for 90% of…

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Plastic Pollution Treaty

Kenya Leads Global Negotiations on Plastic Pollution Treaty

November 13, 2023 The third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution opened in Nairobi, Kenya. This session marks the midpoint towards a global treaty, following two previous rounds of negotiations and with two more planned for 2024. Kenyan President William Ruto emphasized the need for humanity…

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Carbon Storage

Biden Administration’s $444M Investment: Strengthening America’s Carbon Storage Infrastructure

November 14, 2023 The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is investing over $444 million in 16 projects across 12 states as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda. These projects aim to combat climate change by enhancing the nation’s carbon management industry, focusing on expanding carbon dioxide (CO2) storage infrastructure. The goal is to significantly…

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Sustainable Investment Labels

Switzerland to Introduce Labelling and Disclosure Rules for Sustainable Investment Products

November 3, 2023 Switzerland’s Federal Department of Finance (FDF) is set to propose rules which will involve regulating the use of labels like ‘sustainable,’ ‘green,’ or ‘ESG’ on financial products. This decision follows the Swiss Federal Council’s call to prevent greenwashing, where products are falsely presented as sustainable. It suggests that to qualify for a sustainability label,…

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