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FCA Delays Implementation of SDR Sustainable Fund Labeling Rules to April 2025

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the conduct regulator for financial services firms and financial markets in the UK, announced that it was pushing out requirements for asset managers to comply with some of the new “naming and marketing rules” for sustainability-related investment products to April 2025, to give more time for firms to meet the new standards. The new rules form part of the FCA’s Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR), introduced by the regulator in November 2023, aimed at helping investors assess the sustainability attributes of investment products, and to avoid greenwashing risk, to portfolio managers. The SDR included naming and marketing rules for investment products, requiring that sustainability-related terms can only be used in product names and marketing if a label is used, or if a label is not used, the product’s name accurately reflects the products characteristics, but without using terms such as ‘sustainable’, ‘sustainability’, or ‘impact.’

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