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Great Barrier Reef Facing Catastrophic Damage as Oceans Reach Hottest Temperatures in 400 Years, Scientists Warn

The Great Barrier Reef, one of Earth’s most iconic natural wonders, is facing unprecedented threats due to rising ocean temperatures, according to new research published in Nature. The study, led by Dr. Benjamin Henley from the University of Wollongong (UOW) and the University of Melbourne, provides alarming evidence of the severe impact of human-caused climate change on the world’s largest coral reef system. The research reconstructs 400 years of summer sea surface temperatures in the Coral Sea, revealing that the recent heat events are the most extreme in this extensive historical record. The study combined geochemical data from coral cores with climate model simulations to understand the temperature trends and their impact on the reef. The findings show that human influence has driven a dramatic rise in sea temperatures, leading to repeated mass coral bleaching events.

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