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ECB and ESAs Call for Enhanced ESG Disclosure for Securitised Assets

This week the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs), together with the European Central Bank (ECB) published a statement encouraging disclosure standards for climate-related data on securitised assets. The ECB and ESAS argue that there is a lack of climate-related data on the assets underlying structured finance products, posing an obstacle to the proper assessment of climate-related risks…

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Greenwashing Uncovered: The Dark Side of False Eco-Friendly Advertising

Combating Greenwashing through the Advent of ESG Reporting Software As highlighted by Gartner researchers, political entities globally are expected to endorse nation-state initiatives for investing tens of trillions of dollars towards climate mitigation between 2025 and 2035. The business sector, motivated by consumer demand and driven by progressively stringent regulations, has responded by taking action toward establishing…

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ESG – The Novel Regulatory & Corporate Paradigm

ESG is reshaping the global landscape as stakeholders increasingly want businesses to adopt more sustainable practices. Without a doubt, the business discourse no longer focuses on growing and increasing earnings. Similarly, the investment’s emphasis has moved from a corporation that thrives on financial development to a company that considers both financial and non-financial considerations. Moving…

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iXBRL and ESG Reporting – Introduction of Inline XBRL in Mandatory Sustainability Reporting

According to the EU’s new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the introduction of Inline XBRL in mandatory sustainability reporting is becoming increasingly vital. Investors, regulators, and stakeholders are placing greater emphasis on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues, resulting in new demands for companies to provide ESG data with greater transparency. WHAT IS THE ESG PROPOSAL ALL…

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