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Canada Set to Mandate Zero Emissions for All New Cars by 2035

December 18, 2023

The Canadian government is poised to pass rules requiring all new vehicles sold in the country to be zero-emissions by 2035, according to news reports.

The federal government will announce the regulation, called the Electric Vehicle Availability Standard, in the coming days, with the aim of phasing out the sale of new combustion vehicles, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and the Toronto Star reported, both citing an unnamed senior government official.

The new rules will require zero-emissions vehicles — which include battery electric, hydrogen and plug-in electric vehicles — to make up 20 per cent of all new car sales in 2026, 60 per cent in 2030 and 100 per cent in 2035, the reports said.

The government also wants to ensure that EVs are available to consumers in Canada amid concerns about a lack of supply as electric cars, trucks and SUVs are shipped to other markets, the reports said.

Automakers will be able to earn credits for bringing more electric vehicles to market ahead of the target dates and for investing in EV-charging infrastructure.

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